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Inverness Laughing Society ~ featuring Sir LaughsAlot

Inverness Laughing Society  ~ featuring Sir LaughsAlot
The Society will be taking a break for restructuring. You may email me (laughwithmejane@gmail.com) if you would like to be invited to "random" gatherings, have a special request, event, meeting or if you are just curious and have a question. DO NOT STOP LAUGHING!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Don't Grumble: Laugh ~~~ Alponse Karr

Quote: Some people are always grumbling because roses
have thorns, I am thankful that thorns have roses.
~~~~~~ Alphonse Karr
I want to send out a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY one of my two finest sisters, Rita. It will be great to bring this new year in of yours with Mary Lu. I can not wait.
Peace, love and laughs, your baby sister Jane